
What’s inside those pot bellies?

There is a popular belief that pot bellies in men are as a result of drinking beer.

Some say it is caused by excess calories…

It is also believed that as men grow older, they tend to develop potbellies

There is also this controversial point, that as men accumulate wealth,

Their lifestyles changes. They don’t walk long distances anymore.

Instead, they drive.

Even the ‘humble’ Computer era has been blamed too,

Since files are being moved electronically, people no longer walk in the offices.

In some communities, wealth is synonymous with a pot belly.

In this part of the world, our politicians walk around, stinking of ill-gotten wealth.

They build schools and buy jets with monies stolen from the public,

When next you see a politician walking around being led by his pot belly,

Now you know what he has inside, flatulence of ill-gotten wealth.

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