Love is not love if it’s one-sided, right?
Well, he hasn’t seen me yet. He would definitely love me back. I mean who wouldn’t?
Silly conversations I have with myself on a Sunday morning. I put on the TV, and there is Emmanuel Macron’s ever calming face.
I am not a lonely woman, No, No.
Saying the above, especially while accompanied by the two ‘No’s, helps my ego a great deal.
How could I be lonely when I have such very dark hair and a set of white teeth, and not to mention the great collection of books that I have.
So on Sunday mornings like this, while my crush on Macron deepens, I call these mornings ‘slow’ not ‘lonely’.
There is just something heavenly I feel when I switch from listening to someone with a cracked voice shouting ‘America First!’ to that beautiful French accent.
It is almost juicy. It is calming. Feels like nothing can go wrong. Feels like he loves me too.
I do not crush on Macron all the time, sometimes I even forget I ever did, his face gets mixed up in the ‘crowd’.
When I am in love, I take in details of the face with my eyes. I spend hours looking at the face, taking it all in, bit by bit.
I did that to Macron’s face this morning.
It is still a slow Sunday morning.