

Last night more than ever, I felt rage towards the American people. How the hell did they allow this misfit happen to them and the rest of the world? How in God’s name did Trump win the Presidency? We often neglect this, but voter apathy is indeed dangerous. Little wonder Hillary Clinton, Barack & Michelle Obama, as well as other Democrats, are speaking out now on the need to vote in the coming midterm elections. The truth is, Trump, didn’t win because he was more attractive to the voters, he won because people who should have voted for Hillary simply decided to stay at home. The non-voters decided the election.

Trump’s troll on Dr. Christine Ford is sickening —- “’I had one beer.’ Well, do you think it was… ‘Nope. It was one beer.’ Oh good. How did you get home? ‘I don’t remember.’ How did you get there? ‘I don’t remember.’ Where is the place? ‘I don’t remember,'” Trump said, prompting laughter from those in the crowd. “How many years ago was it? ‘I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.’ What neighborhood was it in? ‘I don’t know.’ Where’s the house? ‘I don’t know. Upstairs. Downstairs. I don’t know. But I had one beer that’s the only thing I remember.'” This he said at a political rally, days after Dr. Ford’s testimony. Trump’s jibe above shows one of his major characteristics; oppress the victims, make them shut up, stamp on them, and act like the victim yourself. What a crooked man.

For decades, women have been sexually assaulted and harassed; catcalled, ass groped etc. And what makes it so crazy is that these things happen in formal settings too; it happens in the offices, organized settings, and for decades, no one cared. Now, women are beginning to speak up. Believe it or not, the #meToo movement has given people an opportunity to speak up, why should the victim have to be the one shamed? Why? And now, Trump in his usual shitty style is saying ‘beat the child, close his mouth so he can’t cry out, then turn around and cry foul yourself’. Tueh! What a shitty man.

How can any sane human being believe Ford did this for fame or money? Where are all the #meToo movement survivors? Where are Bill Cosby’s accusers? Do you still remember their names? I bet they are so famous right now. Dr. Christine Ford will come and go, but Brett Kavanaugh if confirmed, will be here until his death.

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