

“Boys will be Boys, too low a standard”, Senator Chris Coons said during the Kavanaugh hearing. “I’ve been really troubled by the excuse offered by too many that this was a high school incident and boys will be boys,” he said. “To me, that’s just far too low a standard for the conduct of men and boys in our country.” The Democrat was among the senators who questioned Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Ford during a Senate judiciary committee hearing.

The phrase implies that boys are biologically wired to be violent, rough and tumble- and they should be excused from any consequences for that behavior. The ability to live and act right, basic human decency is not gender based.

Brett Kavanaugh is probably going to lose a lifetime appointment to the supreme court because of the things he did as a teenager, things he did when he was a BOY. Even if these allegations go unresolved, and he finally gets confirmed, the tales will continually hang over him. A responsible, well-respected Judge he is today, does he know better than the things he wrote about in his high-school yearbook? Yes, he does. But, it is too late to do anything about the things he did at 17.

The need to raise both the girl child and the boy child right, cannot be overemphasized. And there is a need for the boy as well as the girl child to behave right too. When has it become okay for people to assault each other?

I bet the 17-year old Brett Kavanaugh didn’t think that one day he would be considered for the supreme court. And I am pretty sure he wishes he did everything right while he was growing up.

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